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What’s Happening to Chris Watts? A Glimpse Into His Prison Years

Chris Watts
Chris Watts

The case of Chris Watts shocked the world in 2018 when the Colorado father confessed to the brutal murders of his pregnant wife, Shanann Watts, and their two young daughters, Bella and Celeste. This horrific crime captured the attention of millions, leading to extensive media coverage, documentaries, and countless discussions about how a seemingly ordinary man could commit such an unimaginable act. Today, Chris Watts is serving five life sentences without the possibility of parole, but many continue to wonder about his life behind bars and what has become of him since his conviction. In this article, we’ll explore Chris Watts’ current life in prison, his mental state, and how he is dealing with the aftermath of his devastating crimes.

Chris Watts’ Life in Prison: A Daily Routine

After his conviction, Chris Watts was moved to the Dodge Correctional Institution in Waupun, Wisconsin, for his own safety. Initially, he was held at a facility in Colorado but was transferred out of state due to concerns about threats from other inmates who were outraged by his crimes. Today, Watts lives in isolation, far removed from the family life he once portrayed on social media.

A typical day for Chris Watts is vastly different from his former life. According to prison reports, he is housed in a maximum-security facility, spending 23 hours a day in his cell with very little human interaction. This isolation, while intended for his protection, is also a form of punishment that denies him the social connections that many inmates rely on to survive life behind bars. Watts reportedly spends his time reading the Bible, reflecting on his crimes, and occasionally writing letters to those who have reached out to him. He rarely speaks with other inmates and is not involved in any group activities for security reasons.

While Watts’ daily routine is monotonous and devoid of the freedom he once had, it is also a far cry from the violent environment that many people envision when they think of prison. His days are structured, with set times for meals, exercise, and cell cleaning, but the overwhelming loneliness of solitary confinement weighs heavily on him.

How Chris Watts Has Changed Since His Conviction

One of the most common questions people have about Chris Watts is how he has changed since the murders. Has he shown remorse for his actions? Has prison life altered his perspective on what he did? By many accounts, Watts has undergone significant changes, both emotionally and mentally, since his incarceration.

Watts claims to have found religion and spends much of his time reading religious texts and praying. According to interviews with those who have been in contact with him, including letters he has written to friends and family, he expresses deep regret and sorrow over his actions. In one letter, Watts wrote that he wishes he could turn back time and undo everything, though it’s unclear how genuine this remorse is, considering the nature of his crime and his initial denials.

Mental health experts have weighed in on Watts’ transformation, suggesting that he may be suffering from extreme guilt and shame, which can often manifest as religious devotion. Whether his remorse is authentic or a way to cope with his situation remains a topic of debate, but there’s no doubt that prison life has forced Watts to confront the gravity of his actions on a daily basis.

Watts’ Relationship with Surviving Family Members

Following his conviction, Chris Watts’ surviving family members, including his parents and the family of his wife Shanann, have had varying reactions to his imprisonment. Watts’ parents initially defended their son, even questioning his confession and the details surrounding the murders. However, over time, their relationship with him has become strained as the truth of the horrific events became undeniable.

On the other hand, Shanann’s family, including her parents, have made it clear that they believe Chris Watts deserves the full punishment for his crimes. They have expressed ongoing grief over the loss of their daughter and grandchildren, and they’ve cut off all communication with Watts since his arrest. Watts himself has acknowledged that he doesn’t expect forgiveness from Shanann’s family and that his relationship with them is irreparably broken.

Interestingly, Watts still receives letters from people outside his family, including some who claim to be fans or sympathizers. This type of correspondence is not uncommon for high-profile criminals, as certain individuals are drawn to the notoriety surrounding such cases. Watts occasionally replies to these letters, though he has stated in interviews that he doesn’t feel he deserves the sympathy or attention he’s received from outsiders.

Watts’ Mental and Physical Health Behind Bars

Life in solitary confinement has had a profound effect on Chris Watts’ mental health. Inmates in isolation often suffer from depression, anxiety, and feelings of hopelessness, and Watts is no exception. While he hasn’t publicly detailed his mental health struggles, experts familiar with the case have suggested that the intense guilt and isolation he experiences likely weigh heavily on his psyche.

Physically, Watts has reportedly maintained a relatively healthy lifestyle, using his allotted hour of exercise to stay in shape. However, the psychological toll of his incarceration is likely far more significant than any physical effects. Prisoners in isolation are at a much higher risk of mental health deterioration, and it’s not uncommon for them to experience hallucinations, emotional numbness, and suicidal thoughts.

Watts is not currently on suicide watch, but the emotional burden of his crime, coupled with the extreme isolation, makes it likely that he will face ongoing mental health challenges throughout his life sentence.

Public Perception of Chris Watts Today

Four years after his conviction, Chris Watts continues to be a topic of interest in true crime circles. Documentaries like American Murder: The Family Next Door on Netflix have reignited public fascination with the case, bringing new attention to Watts and the events leading up to the murders. Many people remain horrified by how Watts was able to hide his true nature from those around him, including his wife, friends, and coworkers.

The public’s perception of Chris Watts is overwhelmingly negative. He is often portrayed as a cold, calculating killer who betrayed his family in the most horrific way possible. While Watts has expressed remorse, many remain skeptical of his sincerity, given the premeditated nature of the crime and his initial attempts to cover it up. The case has also sparked broader discussions about family annihilation, a rare but deeply troubling type of crime in which a parent or spouse kills their entire family.

Watts’ notoriety has made him a focal point in debates about the criminal justice system, mental health, and the potential for rehabilitation in cases of extreme violence. While some people hold out hope that Watts can one day be rehabilitated, the vast majority believe that he deserves to spend the rest of his life in prison, paying for the unimaginable loss he caused.

Conclusion: A Grim Future for Chris Watts

As Chris Watts serves out his life sentence, it’s clear that his future is bleak. He will likely spend the rest of his days in solitary confinement, grappling with the psychological consequences of his actions. While he claims to have found faith and expresses remorse for the murders, his mental and emotional state will undoubtedly continue to deteriorate as the years go by.

For many, Chris Watts’ case serves as a chilling reminder of the hidden darkness that can sometimes lurk behind the facade of an ordinary life. His story is one of betrayal, unimaginable violence, and a fall from grace that left a permanent scar on those who knew him and the millions who followed his case.


1. Where is Chris Watts now?
Chris Watts is currently serving five life sentences without the possibility of parole at Dodge Correctional Institution in Waupun, Wisconsin. He was moved there from Colorado for his own safety.

2. Does Chris Watts have any contact with his family?
Chris Watts has limited contact with his family. His parents have expressed a complicated relationship with him, while Shanann Watts’ family has cut off all communication with him.

3. Has Chris Watts shown remorse for his crimes?
Chris Watts has expressed remorse, claiming to regret his actions and seeking solace in religion. However, many remain skeptical about the authenticity of his remorse.

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